Spine Infections and Tumors

The spinal column consists of 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, and the sacrum. In patients with infections or cancer, there are a lot of bones in the spine where the disease can spread, and infections and tumors of the spine are incredibly common.

Often, patients with infections or tumors have severe pain. Many patients have symptoms that are bad enough to bring them to the emergency room. Through his additional training in spinal surgery, Dr. Hatef has the experience to diagnose and treat these difficulty conditions.

Most patients with spinal tumors or infections are treated at Mt. Carmel hospitals by a team of specialists. Surgery is sometimes required to give stability to the spine and decompress the nerves or spinal cord. If you have been diagnosed with either a spinal tumor or infection and would like to see Dr. Hatef for an evaluation, click here to make an appointment.