Spine Arthritis
Degenerative Disc Disease
Severe degenerative disc disease with bone-on-bone arthritis.
Degenerative disc disease is the most common form of spinal arthritis causing significant back and neck pain. The intervertebral discs normally connected our vertebrae and allow them to move, permitting bending of our spine. With aging, arthritis sets in, and the discs which in youth are moist and supportive become dry, brittle, and unable to cushion our spine.
Spinal degeneration leads to bony overgrowth, compression of the nerves, and abnormal movement of the vertebrae. With time, back pain becomes more and more severe.
Spinal fusion has restored the disc to its natural height.
When degenerative changes in the spine are first diagnosed, the initial choice is always physical therapy. PT strengthens the core muscles and helps prevent abnormal movements. Although many patients do well with PT, with continued aging and arthritis, surgery becomes necessary in many patients. Depending on the type of spinal degeneration, Dr. Hatef may recommend arthroplasty or spinal fusion.