Minimally Invasive Surgery

 Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is both a series of techniques and a philosophy of surgery.

Dr. Hatef is committed to using the least invasive means possible to adequately treat a neurosurgical problem. In the spine, this means shorter incisions, less muscle damage, less blood loss, and faster recovers. For cranial procedures he uses the shortest incision possible, minimal hair removal, and absorbable sutures instead of traditional staples.

The benefits of MIS are numerous. With meticulous technique and the addition of surgical tools such as the operative microscope, Dr. Hatef is able to accomplish the very same goals of decompressing your nerves and minimize damage to normal structures.

Dr. Hatef is committed to preserving normal motion whenever possible, either through non-fusion techniques or through arthroplasty. Many conditions in the neck and low back that would have had fusion procedures in the past can be treated with disc replacement that maintains normal spinal motion.

If you are suffering from spinal pain and are concerned about undergoing a traditional spinal fusion procedure, arthroplasty or non-fusion techniques may be a good option. Call today to schedule your appointment.